Todd M. Kilduff, PE
Todd Kilduff is founder and President of Kilduff Underground Engineering, Inc. (KUE). He has over 25 years of experience in underground design and construction, serving as both a Contractor and Engineer on large tunnel, trenchless, and various other underground projects such as deep shafts, large site excavations, and mining facilities. His ability to be equally familiar with the design and construction aspects of underground projects allows him to be efficient in the design and execution of providing construction oversight. As president, Mr. Kilduff oversees all aspects of the business including business development, project management, and office administration.
Todd earned a degree in Civil Engineering from the Ohio State University in 1996, followed by a master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 2000. Todd is currently licensed in CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, MD, MA, MI, MT, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA, and WV and is verified through NCEES.
Meet the KUE Team
Meet the KUE Team

Paul Wilkinson
Senior Microtunneling Consultant
Paul Wilkinson has 31 years of experience with trenchless and microtunneling projects worldwide. Formerly serving as General Manager for Iseki Euro, Mr. Wilkinson consulted and provided microtunneling equipment to Todd to facilitate numerous microtunneling projects throughout the United States. Paul has personally overseen the installation of over 120 KM of microtunnel, on over 200 projects in 35 countries. With KUE, Paul provides consulting on complex microtunneling and trenchless projects as well as pursues business development efforts.

Andrew Bock
Senior Consultant

Jim Johnson
Senior Consultant
Jim Johnson is an accomplished construction Project Manager with more than 30 years of combined field management experience in the trenchless industry. Jim has vast experience with new installation trenchless methods such as Microtunneling, Auger Boring/Guided Auger Boring, Pipe Ramming, Open Faced Shield, and SEM/NATM Tunneling. With KUE, Jim evaluates ground conditions and identifies the most appropriate means and methods for new trenchless installations. In addition, Jim provides detailed cost estimates for tunnel and trenchless installation and manages our construction management group, including the implementation of geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring. Jim's understanding of underground construction means and methods is a proven asset to KUE’s design and CM capabilities.